A fascinating blend of Ultramarine Blue and different natural earths gives this dark, warm semi-transparent brown.
In masstone not dissimilar to Raw Umber, and when tinted with white it produces utterly delightful warm greys, which are so functional in the world of painting.
Like Raw Umber in many respects, but with more substance, it doesn't get lost as easily in mixes and has more power to hold its own against other pigments.
It also doesn't have that slight greasiness/slippyness umbers can have.
It's like everything I love about Raw Umber with the bits I don't like removed! Highly functional on most palettes I would guess.
Technical Overview
Pigments - PB29, PBr8, PR101
Vehicle - Linseed and Walnut Oil
Opacity - Semi-Transparent
Tinting Power - Medium
Munsell - Hue N - Value 1 - Chroma N/A
Schaal Oil Paint