Rublev Ultramarine Violet - 50ml From the family of modern ultramarine pigments, a new, single pigment paint from Rublev made with the pigment … MSRP: Was: Now: £18.75
Wallace Seymour Magnetite - 40ml A single pigment paint made with Magnetite, an iron ore which is the most magnetic of all the naturally occurr… MSRP: Was: Now: £28.00
Schaal Bleu Phtalo - 35ml Bleu phtalo or Phthalo Blue. The giga pigment - outrageous tinting power, crisp transparency. This version is … MSRP: Was: Now: £18.00
Schaal Jaune Indien - 35ml Jaune Indien or Indian Yellow. There are quite a few varieties of this colour, since the original Indian yello… MSRP: Was: Now: £18.00
Schaal Magenta Transparent - 35ml Transparent Magenta - crystal clear, crimson, reddish purplish, high chroma, powerful, loveliness. Single pigm… MSRP: Was: Now: £22.00
Wallace Seymour Sansepolcro Blue - 40ml Sansepolcro blue is a soft, fresh, high value, mid-temperature blue. Made with three pigments - two whit… MSRP: Was: Now: £9.50
Michael Harding Manganese Violet - 40ml The science of chemistry has turned the dull, silver grey metal element of Manganese into this a jewel like, l… MSRP: Was: Now: £16.50
Wallace Seymour Terra Rosa - Val d'Orcia - 40ml Terra Rosa Val d'Orcia is a red earth from the Mount Amiata region of Tuscany - a heritage pigment no longer p… MSRP: Was: Now: £35.00
Wallace Seymour Violet Grey - 40ml Violet grey is a gentle and soft violet. Perfect in combination with the other chromatic greys we sell - it is… MSRP: Was: Now: £14.00
Wallace Seymour Green Grey - 40ml Part of Wallace Seymour's unique chromatic grey range - the colours are available as a set here. A muted soft … MSRP: Was: Now: £14.00
Wallace Seymour Red Grey - 40ml Part of Wallace Seymour's unique chromatic grey range - the colours are available as a set here. Red grey - it… MSRP: Was: Now: £14.00
Wallace Seymour Blue Grey - 40ml Part of Wallace Seymour's unique chromatic grey oil paint range - the colours are available as a set here. A s… MSRP: Was: Now: £14.00
Wallace Seymour Yellow Grey - 40ml Part of Wallace Seymour's unique chromatic grey range - the colours are available as a set here. Yellow grey -… MSRP: Was: Now: £14.00
Wallace Seymour Orange Grey - 40ml Part of Wallace Seymour's unique chromatic grey range - the colours are available as a set here. Orange grey -… MSRP: Was: Now: £14.00
Wallace Seymour Ócar - Irish Red Ochre - 40ml So pleased to be able to offer this paint, the pigment is sourced in Ireland, collected by hand, an iron rich … MSRP: Was: Now: £17.50
Michael Harding Quinacridone Coral - 40ml Quinacridone coral is a lightish red, single pigment paint. The quinacridone pigments are an excellent additio… MSRP: Was: Now: £16.50
Michael Harding Opera Rose Ok this colour truly is fluorescent, it glows even in low light. A vivid reddish pink in hue. The swatch doesn… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Langridge Bismuth Vanadate - 40ml Been waiting a while for a high quality paint using this pigment. I have used it previously, however, not with… MSRP: Was: Now: £13.50
Langridge Lithopone - 40ml A solid alternative to Titanium white, not as cool and not as overpowering - much easier to control mixes and … MSRP: Was: Now: £10.00
Michael Harding Neutral Tint - 40ml A 'neutral' colour - this attempts to not lean towards any particular hue. A functional paint, could be … MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Michael Harding Orange Benzimidazolone 40ml Punchy and bright - this is Orange Benzimidazolone - an unusual single pigment paint. In masstone it reminds m… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding Yellow Benzimidazolone 40ml Wow, that's a mouthful, and it's maybe better known as just Yellow Benzi. This is a single pigment paint (PY15… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding New Gamboge 40ml New Gamboge is a more lightfast version of the original plant-based Gamboge, which we sell in the Wallace Seym… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding Quinacridone Purple 40ml Quinacridone purple from the family of modern, robust Quinacridone pigments. In my experience they all glow an… MSRP: Was: Now: £16.50
Michael Harding Cadmium Green - 40ml A combination of the classic painter's pigments, cadmium yellow and viridian. A zingy, fresh, luminescent gree… MSRP: Was: Now: £26.00
Michael Harding Cobalt Turquoise Deep - 40ml Cobalts are my favourite range of pigments, delicate but with a jewel-like quality of hue which other pigment … MSRP: Was: Now: £33.00
Michael Harding Indanthrone Blue 40ml This pigment was invented in 1901 as an extremely lightfast dye. Indanthrone is now used in a multitude of app… MSRP: Was: Now: £16.50
Michael Harding Pyrrole Red 40ml A rich, glowing, red. A modern pigment that really excels and could function as the primary red on your palett… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding Cobalt Green Deep 40ml Slightly magnetic, apparently, as all cobalt pigments are! Cobalt green is sometimes known as Rinman's gr… MSRP: Was: Now: £33.00
Michael Harding Napthol Red 40ml Napthol Red, the napthol pigments were first patented in 1911 and used initially as cotton dyes, then in the 1… MSRP: Was: Now: £16.50
Michael Harding Green Gold 40ml The green, green, gold of home... A modern, single pigment paint, this is not made of several pigments just on… MSRP: Was: Now: £26.00
Michael Harding Cadmium Red Deep 40ml 'Deep' means this paint is positioned closer to violet than orange on the red part of the colour wheel. Contra… MSRP: Was: Now: £33.00
Michael Harding Indigo 40ml This isn't natural indigo (which we sell in the Wallace Seymour range) however it is an excellent approximatio… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding Cobalt Teal 40ml Fluorescent, zingy, powerful, turquoise, really quite unlike anything else. Regardless of hue there are four o… MSRP: Was: Now: £33.00
Michael Harding Cerulean Blue 40ml A unique hue, the greenish nature of this blue really doesn't appear with any other pigment. Rich, deep and a … MSRP: Was: Now: £50.00
Michael Harding Cobalt Violet Light 40ml I love how this interacts with light orange when used in landscape painting, it makes some of the most delight… MSRP: Was: Now: £50.00
Wallace Seymour Cadmium Yellow - 40ml These paints from Wallace Seymour represent exceptional value, with high pigment loading, no additives and won… MSRP: Was: Now: £30.00
Wallace Seymour Burnt Sienna 40ml Dark, mahogany brown in masstone. Raw sienna is heated (calcined) to produce burnt sienna, the heating causes … MSRP: Was: Now: £9.50
Wallace Seymour Burnt Umber - 40ml Calcined or heated raw umber becomes burnt umber. This process brings out the warmth of the pigment. Thi… MSRP: Was: Now: £9.50
Wallace Seymour Manganese Violet - 40ml In it's masstone (straight from the tube) this is slightly darker than a Cobalt Violet, it is a rich, dark, ve… MSRP: Was: Now: £28.00
Wallace Seymour Quinacridone Magenta - 40ml Quinacridone Magenta, powerful, modern, crisp. If you have never tried a Quinacridone pigment before I recomme… MSRP: Was: Now: £28.00
Langridge Raw Sienna - 40ml The classic earth paint, the genuine Italian pigment, beautifully milled with a high pigment loading. Essentia… MSRP: Was: Now: £13.50
Langridge Transparent Yellow Oxide - 40ml This is an extremely fine particle size of a prepared iron oxide heavily loaded into the vehicle of linseed oi… MSRP: Was: Now: £20.00
Langridge Green Gold - 40ml This is a colour which you would more normally see as a watercolour, it is quite earthy in nature. It has a wi… MSRP: Was: Now: £20.00
Langridge Cadmium Red Light - 40ml Cadmium Red Light, the more orange leaning of the Cadmium Reds. Favoured by portrait painters for it's ability… MSRP: Was: Now: £39.00
Langridge Cobalt Blue - 40ml A fundamental classic and very beautiful, just look at the swatch above. Loved by landscape painters, it is ea… MSRP: Was: Now: £39.00
Langridge Quinacridone Burnt Orange - 40ml This is a hue made from quinacridone, nickel azo and perylene. Hues are a tricky business as generally this te… MSRP: Was: Now: £25.00
Langridge Cadmium Red - 40ml Not much introduction is needed here, this is the red which has been used extensively by most artists for roug… MSRP: Was: Now: £39.00
Michael Harding Ultramarine Violet 40ml Ultramarine originally described paint made from Lapis Lazuli. However, in the 1820's, through the use of chem… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding Paynes Grey 40ml Named after William Payne and usually associated with watercolours, this is a very cool hue, one to experiment… MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Michael Harding Raw Umber 40ml Find me a palette without this on it, fundamental, the great masters of the renaissance lived on this. One of … MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Michael Harding Burnt Sienna 40ml No introductions needed here, earth and oil. A paint used throughout the history of art and present on most pa… MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Michael Harding Transparent Red Oxide 40ml An Iron Oxide processed to such a small pigment particle size that it shows almost lake-like characterist… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding Raw Sienna 40ml Again another perfect combination of Earth and oil... Used in mixes and as ground tone since the beginnings of… MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Michael Harding Phthalo Turquoise - 40ml Please note this is not a single pigment phthalo turquoise. Originally turquoise was made from the mineral aft… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Rublev Orange Ochre - 50ml Sourced from French quarries in the Luberon Massif, it has good body to it, quite dense, and its orange hues h… MSRP: Was: Now: £18.75
Michael Harding Lead Tin Yellow Lemon - 40ml This version of Lead Tin Yellow, as the name suggests, leans well towards the green side of yellow on the colo… MSRP: Was: Now: £33.00
Michael Harding Phthalo Blue Lake - 40ml Phthalocyanine Blue Lake is its full name, a chlorinated copper invented in 1935, this was one of the first sy… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Michael Harding Lemon Yellow 40ml A cool yellow. Sometimes known as Barium Yellow, this is Barium Chromate, introduced into painting after … MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Wallace Seymour Pompeii Red - Unique - 40ml Pompeii Red from the Wallace Seymour range of Native Earths. These paints have so much integrity and each feel… MSRP: Was: Now: £17.50
Michael Harding Lapis Lazuli Afghan - Genuine - 40ml RRP £120! The ultimate pigment, historically reserved for the highest painting commissions, I will leave… MSRP: Was: Now: £97.00
Michael Harding Phthalo Green Lake - 40ml The hardest pigment to control on the palette! Chlorinated copper or Phthalo Green as it is commonly known, wi… MSRP: Was: Now: £12.50
Rublev Naples Yellow Dark - 50ml Naples yellow dark, a tremendous colour, although I am partial to yellows. In masstone it is an ocherous, must… MSRP: Was: Now: £86.50
Wallace Seymour Maya Green - 20ml Maya green is made exclusively from natural indigo. The Maya part of the name comes from the Mayans who discov… MSRP: Was: Now: £24.00
Langridge Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) - 40ml The cool, green leaning blue. I like to think of this as the crazy blue. It is so intense with such incredible… MSRP: Was: Now: £20.00
Wallace Seymour Orange Ochre - Reclaimed - Scottish - 20ml Wallace Seymour's endeavour to produce the paints others would ignore or not be able to find, has paid off aga… MSRP: Was: Now: £13.00
Wallace Seymour Maya Blue - 20ml Maya blue, invented by the Mayans! Made now by Wallace Seymour! The Mayans developed new and interesting ways … MSRP: Was: Now: £24.00
Schaal Noir D'Ivoire - 35ml Good old ivory black, the cool black based on carbon deposits from burnt bones and the most common black. This… MSRP: Was: Now: £10.50
Schaal Jaune de Cadmium - 35ml A big colour, powerful tinter, warm and opaque. Heat in a tube. The tints are a wide range of mid-temperature… MSRP: Was: Now: £28.50
Wallace Seymour Kamchata Purple Ochre - Reclaimed - 20ml A true purple ochre, reclaimed and sustainable. In masstone a deep, coolish red. Semi-opaque and smooth in han… MSRP: Was: Now: £18.00
Rublev Indian Red - 50ml Indian Red is a brown red with above average tinting strength and opacity, it displays slight blue undertones.… MSRP: Was: Now: £18.75
Rublev Lithopone - 50ml A useful white being transparent but without large amounts of Zinc which could make it brittle over time. It i… MSRP: Was: Now: £18.75
Rublev Cyprus Burnt Umber - 50ml Dark, dark, one of the darkest earths you will come across, quite neutral and cool as well, think about the de… MSRP: Was: Now: £18.75
Rublev Chromium Oxide - 50ml Chromium Oxide is an opaque, clean, medium shade, very stable green colour. As you can see from the tube… MSRP: Was: Now: £22.00
Schaal Noir de Mars - 35ml Mars black, a less rich black than ivory black, it is also warmer and very opaque. Based on Iron oxides rather… MSRP: Was: Now: £10.50
Langridge Mars Black - 40ml A Mars black, it is very clean and warmer than a carbon black, so doesn't suck in quite as much light. It's wa… MSRP: Was: Now: £10.00
Michael Harding Naples Yellow Dark - Genuine - 40ml Exceptional quality and rarity of pigment make this very special. Naples yellow, also called antimony yellow, … MSRP: Was: Now: £50.00
Wallace Seymour Delver's White - Barium Sulphate - Natural Mineral - 20ml Barium Sulphate is also known as Barite and Blanc Fixe. It is a dense mineral used in many applications as wel… MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Rublev Italian Raw Umber Green - 50ml A very dark umber with green undertones and now in this pure, unblended form increasingly hard to find. It fun… MSRP: Was: Now: £15.75
Langridge Nickel Azo Yellow - 40ml This a hidden treasure trove of colours, the masstone (straight from the tube) is an unassuming yellowish brow… MSRP: Was: Now: £25.00
Rublev Crimson Ochre - 50ml Crimson ochre is made with an iron oxide pigment sourced from the quarries in the Lori province of northern Ar… MSRP: Was: Now: £22.50
Wallace Seymour Augite Porphyry Crimson - 40ml Thankfully I only have to write the word Porphyry rather than say it! It means Purple in ancient Greek. This i… MSRP: Was: Now: £17.50
Michael Harding Cadmium Yellow Lemon 40ml A cooler cadmium yellow - it leans towards the green end of the yellow spectrum. The pigment cadmium sulphide … MSRP: Was: Now: £26.00
Michael Harding Neutral Grey (N5) - 40ml/225ml Michael's description; says it all really; "A blend of Ivory Black, Burnt Umber and Titanium White which gives… MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Wallace Seymour Lowry Grey - 40ml A gentle, warm, light grey, peaceful in hue. Based on the paint used by L.S.Lowry. This is going to prove very… MSRP: Was: Now: £9.50
Wallace Seymour Cerulean Blue English - 40ml A very special version of the classic blue - Cerulean Blue. The pigment is specially made in the North W… MSRP: Was: Now: £55.00
Langridge Mars Orange - 40ml Nothing to do with the planet or the chocolate bar, Mars pigments were developed in the 19th Century as a synt… MSRP: Was: Now: £10.00
Wallace Seymour Mermaid Egg, Ironstone - Hand Dug - 40ml Hand dug, selected for it's suitability to make excellent paint and nothing else, this is true oil paint as ma… MSRP: Was: Now: £17.50
Wallace Seymour Vermilion - Arcidosso - 40ml The deepest of the three shades of Wallace Seymour genuine Vermilion we sell. Deep meaning leaning more toward… MSRP: Was: Now: £95.00
Schaal Laque de Garance - 35ml Oooofff! Just look at the swatch above! In terms of the magic of oil and pigment combined, I think Alizarin Cr… MSRP: Was: Now: £18.00
Wallace Seymour Malachite - Genuine - 40ml Malachite is a Copper Carbonate mineral of great beauty, as shown in the image opposite, it is used as the sin… MSRP: Was: Now: £90.00
Michael Harding Titanium White No.1 - 40ml/225ml A heavy pigment load and a very clear oil (safflower) make this a very bright, cold white. Powerful in mixes. … MSRP: Was: Now: £8.00
Wallace Seymour Yellow Ochre - Reclaimed - 20ml I am more excited about these new reclaimed paints from Wallace Seymour, than any others previously! These are… MSRP: Was: Now: £13.00
Rublev Cyprus Raw Umber Medium - 50ml This is a medium grade of the earth pigment, and is more of a traditional umber hue than the lighter grade (Cy… MSRP: Was: Now: £15.75
Rublev Mixing White - 50ml A non-lead white from Rublev. I like this very much, it has the 'length' of Rublev paints meaning it produces … MSRP: Was: Now: £15.75
Rublev Italian Yellow Earth - 50ml This has the golden yellow hue of a yellow ochre, it is sourced from Northern Italy. Semi-transparent and quit… MSRP: Was: Now: £15.75