A carefully constructed paint made from genuine Lapis, English red earth and Davy's Grey, named after the English painter William Payne, this is made to his recipe.
The red earth was obtained from a cliff fall in Torbay, where the rocks and soil are a powerful iron rich red colour, Davy's grey is in essence crushed slate and Lapis Lazuli is Lapis Lazuli!
In masstone the paint is very dark and slightly cool.
It is quite loose in handling and only just stands up on the palette knife, gritty in handling.
Please note this is unusual paint, about as far away from a modern, buttery cadmium paint as possible!
Very transparent, an almost watercolour, glazing consistency with that classic blue-grey hue of Payne's Grey. It can handle Titanium white but only just, provides delicate grey blue tints.
Technical Overview
Pigments - Lapis, English Red Earth, Davy's Grey
Vehicle - Linseed Oil
Opacity - Semi-Opaque
Tint Power - Low
Munsell - Hue 5 PB - Value 3 - Chroma 4
Wallace Seymour Paints