
Francois Schaal is a practicing painter making paint, the beauty of this is he totally understands the medium and is truly inspired to create paint which is better than that which already exists.

The paint handling is exemplary, not too loose, not too buttery just perfect.

His process preserves the unique qualities of each pigment rather than denaturing them, made in very small batches - Schaal artist colours are true artisan-made paints.

  • Blanc de Titane - Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Blanc de Titane - 35ml

    Titanium white ground with French linseed and walnut oil for extra clarity and vibrancy, the walnut oil being …

  • Blanc de Lithopone -  Oil Paint - Schaal Colors - Supreme Paint


    Blanc de Lithopone - 35ml

    A different white - gentler in tints and warmer than titanium white. More substance than zinc white.  A v…

  • Blanc No.1 - Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Blanc No.1 - 35ml

    A unique mixing white as far as I know, this is a combination of three white pigments created to reduce some o…

  • Bleu Clair - Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Bleu Clair - 35ml

    A delightful hue, based on Phthalo blue and tempered with some titanium white. Perfect for getting subtle blue…

  • Bleu Phtalo - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Bleu Phtalo - 35ml

    Bleu phtalo or Phthalo Blue. The giga pigment - outrageous tinting power, crisp transparency. This version is …

  • Bleu Cobalt Foncee Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Bleu Cobalt Foncee - 35ml

    Deep Cobalt blue, stacked with pigment and nothing else but French linseed oil. In masstone this has serious d…

  • Bleu Outremer Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Bleu Outremer - 35ml

    Ultramarine blue is the blue on most people's palette, a synthetic replacement to Lapis Lazuli it was created …

  • Bleu de Prusse Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Bleu de Prusse - 35ml

    Prussian blue or Bleu de Prusse in French is a very deep, transparent blue. The pigment was apparently discove…

  • Violet Outremer Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paints - Supreme Paint


    Violet Outremer - 35ml

    Violet ultramarine is a vibrant, transparent, violet. This particular pigment is of French production. It is a…

  • Quincridone Magenta Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Magenta Transparent - 35ml

    Transparent Magenta - crystal clear, crimson, reddish purplish, high chroma, powerful, loveliness. Single pigm…

  • Laque de Garance Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Laque de Garance - 35ml

    Oooofff! Just look at the swatch above! In terms of the magic of oil and pigment combined, I think Alizarin Cr…

  • Rouge de Pyrrole Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Rouge de Pyrrole - 35ml

    Sometimes you come across a paint which is really exceptional, in handling, colour and purpose, this in my opi…

  • Rouge de Cadmium Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Rouge de Cadmium - 35ml

    There is an utterly huge range of colours which can be derived from Cadmium, more so than any other metal, all…

  • Orange de Cadmium Clair Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Orange de Cadmium Clair - 35ml

    Cadmium Orange Light. Possibly after earth pigments, my favourite pigment of all time because of its ability t…

  • Jaune Indien Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Jaune Indien - 35ml

    Jaune Indien or Indian Yellow. There are quite a few varieties of this colour, since the original Indian yello…

  • Jaune de Cadmium Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Jaune de Cadmium - 35ml

    A big colour, powerful tinter, warm and opaque. Heat in a tube. The tints are a wide range of mid-temperature…

  • Jaune de Hansa Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Jaune de Hansa - 35ml

    Jaune de Hansa or Hansa Yellow or Arylide Yellow! This pigment goes by many different names, and to confuse th…

  • Jaune de Cadmium Citron Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Jaune de Cadmium Citron - 35ml

    Cadmium yellow lemon, the lemon meaning it leans more towards green on the colour wheel than orange. Simply lo…

  • Jaune de Nickel Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Jaune de Nickel - 35ml

    Single pigment, cool yellow with wonderful clarity. Just pigment and oil, nothing else. While playing (ahem re…

  • Terre Verte Francaise Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Terre Verte Francaise - 35ml

    A French green earth, delicate and transparent. Excellent for the portrait/figurative painter to reduce chroma…

  • Vert Oxyde de Chrome Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Vert Oxyde de Chrome - 35ml

    Chromium oxide green is a clean, very stable green colour. For all the forgers out there, it is the same pigm…

  • Vert Olive Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Vert Olive - 35ml

    An earthy, warm, yellow-green, the yellow oxide pigment mixes perfectly with chromium green pigment to create …

  • Rouge Anglais Clair Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Rouge Anglais Clair - 35ml

    English red, beloved of portrait painters. This version is made with the pigment PR102 which is a natural iron…

  • Ocre Jaune Francaise Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Ocre Jaune Francaise - 35ml

    French yellow ochre, sourced from the Societe de Ocres de France, for an earth pigment this is very high chrom…

  • Ocre Jaune Synthetique - Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Ocre Jaune Synthetique - 35ml

    An, opaque, synthetic iron oxide. In masstone it is that classic earthy yellow, its tints with white are greyi…

  • Terre de Sienne Italienne Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Terre de Sienne Italienne - 35ml

    Italian raw sienna, handmade with no fillers or additives, ground in French artisanal linseed oil. The masston…

  • Terre de Sienne Francaise Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Terre de Sienne Francaise - 35ml

    Handmade by Francois Schaal, in France, with French oil and pigment. French raw sienna, darker and lower chrom…

  • Sienne Brulee Italienne Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Sienne Brulee Italienne 35ml

    I was very excited to try this as I am quite a fan of burnt sienna particularly ones from Italy as they produc…

  • Oxyde Rouge Transparent Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Oxyde Rouge Transparent - 35ml

    Transparent oxide red, a wonderfully useful colour, particularly for the portrait painter. This is a great val…

  • Sienne Brulee Francaise Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Sienne Brulee Francaise - 35ml

    French burnt sienna, the pigment is sourced from the Societe de Ocres de France. This is great, in masstone a …

  • Brun Van Dyck Oil Paint - Schaal Colors


    Brun Van Dyck - 35ml

    Van dyke brown - this is a colour which varies massively according to the pigment used, usually made from an e…

  • Terre D'Ombre Naturelle Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Terre D'Ombre Naturelle - 35ml

    Raw umber, hand-ground in artisanal French linseed oil, the pigment is from the Societe de Ocres de France, no…

  • Terre D'Ombre Verdatre Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint


    Terre D'Ombre Verdatre - 35ml

    A semi-opaque green earth, sourced from Germany where most of the best green earths are found, ground by Franc…

  • Noir de Sepia Chaud Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Noir de Sepia Chaud - 35ml

    A fascinating blend of Ultramarine Blue and different natural earths gives this dark, warm semi-transparent br…

  • Noir de Mars Oil Paint - Schaal Oil Paint - Supreme Paint


    Noir de Mars - 35ml

    Mars black, a less rich black than ivory black, it is also warmer and very opaque. Based on Iron oxides rather…

  • Noir D'Ivoire Oil Paint - Schaal Colors - Supreme Paint


    Noir D'Ivoire - 35ml

    Good old ivory black, the cool black based on carbon deposits from burnt bones and the most common black. This…
