Blanc de Lithopone - 35ml
A different white - gentler in tints and warmer than titanium white. More substance than zinc white. A v…
£10.50 -
Blanc de Titane - 35ml
Titanium white ground with French linseed and walnut oil for extra clarity and vibrancy, the walnut oil being …
£10.50 -
Blanc No.1 - 35ml
A unique mixing white as far as I know, this is a combination of three white pigments created to reduce some o…
£10.50 -
Bleu Clair - 35ml
A delightful hue, based on Phthalo blue and tempered with some titanium white. Perfect for getting subtle blue…
£10.50 -
Bleu Cobalt Foncee - 35ml
Deep Cobalt blue, stacked with pigment and nothing else but French linseed oil. In masstone this has serious d…
£37.00 -
Bleu de Prusse - 35ml
Prussian blue or Bleu de Prusse in French is a very deep, transparent blue. The pigment was apparently discove…
£14.50 -
Bleu Outremer - 35ml
Ultramarine blue is the blue on most people's palette, a synthetic replacement to Lapis Lazuli it was created …
£10.50 -
Bleu Phtalo - 35ml
Bleu phtalo or Phthalo Blue. The giga pigment - outrageous tinting power, crisp transparency. This version is …
£18.00 -
Brun Van Dyck - 35ml
Van dyke brown - this is a colour which varies massively according to the pigment used, usually made from an e…
£10.50 -
Jaune de Cadmium - 35ml
A big colour, powerful tinter, warm and opaque. Heat in a tube. The tints are a wide range of mid-temperature…
£28.50 -
Jaune de Cadmium Citron - 35ml
Cadmium yellow lemon, the lemon meaning it leans more towards green on the colour wheel than orange. Simply lo…
£28.50 -
Jaune de Hansa - 35ml
Jaune de Hansa or Hansa Yellow or Arylide Yellow! This pigment goes by many different names, and to confuse th…
£22.00 -
Jaune de Nickel - 35ml
Single pigment, cool yellow with wonderful clarity. Just pigment and oil, nothing else. While playing (ahem re…
£18.00 -
Jaune Indien - 35ml
Jaune Indien or Indian Yellow. There are quite a few varieties of this colour, since the original Indian yello…
£18.00 -
Laque de Garance - 35ml
Oooofff! Just look at the swatch above! In terms of the magic of oil and pigment combined, I think Alizarin Cr…
£18.00 -
Magenta Transparent - 35ml
Transparent Magenta - crystal clear, crimson, reddish purplish, high chroma, powerful, loveliness. Single pigm…
£22.00 -
Noir D'Ivoire - 35ml
Good old ivory black, the cool black based on carbon deposits from burnt bones and the most common black. This…
£10.50 -
Noir de Mars - 35ml
Mars black, a less rich black than ivory black, it is also warmer and very opaque. Based on Iron oxides rather…
£10.50 -
Noir de Sepia Chaud - 35ml
A fascinating blend of Ultramarine Blue and different natural earths gives this dark, warm semi-transparent br…
£10.50 -
Ocre Jaune Francaise - 35ml
French yellow ochre, sourced from the Societe de Ocres de France, for an earth pigment this is very high chrom…
£10.50 -
Ocre Jaune Synthetique - 35ml
An, opaque, synthetic iron oxide. In masstone it is that classic earthy yellow, its tints with white are greyi…
£10.50 -
Orange de Cadmium Clair - 35ml
Cadmium Orange Light. Possibly after earth pigments, my favourite pigment of all time because of its ability t…
£33.50 -
Oxyde Rouge Transparent - 35ml
Transparent oxide red, a wonderfully useful colour, particularly for the portrait painter. This is a great val…
£14.50 -
Rouge Anglais Clair - 35ml
English red, beloved of portrait painters. This version is made with the pigment PR102 which is a natural iron…
£10.50 -
Rouge de Cadmium - 35ml
There is an utterly huge range of colours which can be derived from Cadmium, more so than any other metal, all…
£33.50 -
Rouge de Pyrrole - 35ml
Sometimes you come across a paint which is really exceptional, in handling, colour and purpose, this in my opi…
£28.50 -
Sienne Brulee Francaise - 35ml
French burnt sienna, the pigment is sourced from the Societe de Ocres de France. This is great, in masstone a …
£10.50 -
Sienne Brulee Italienne 35ml
I was very excited to try this as I am quite a fan of burnt sienna particularly ones from Italy as they produc…
£10.50 -
Terre D'Ombre Brulee de Chypre - 35ml
Cypriot umbers are generally considered the highest quality available, so when combined in very small batches …
£10.50 -
Terre D'Ombre Brulee Italianne - 35ml
Italian burnt umber, rich, deep and warm. In masstone a mahogany brown with some transparency when used thinly…
£10.50 -
Terre D'Ombre Naturelle - 35ml
Raw umber, hand-ground in artisanal French linseed oil, the pigment is from the Societe de Ocres de France, no…
£10.50 -
Terre D'Ombre Verdatre - 35ml
A semi-opaque green earth, sourced from Germany where most of the best green earths are found, ground by Franc…
£10.50 -
Terre de Sienne Francaise - 35ml
Handmade by Francois Schaal, in France, with French oil and pigment. French raw sienna, darker and lower chrom…
£10.50 -
Terre de Sienne Italienne - 35ml
Italian raw sienna, handmade with no fillers or additives, ground in French artisanal linseed oil. The masston…
£10.50 -
Terre Verte Francaise - 35ml
A French green earth, delicate and transparent. Excellent for the portrait/figurative painter to reduce chroma…
£14.50 -
Vert Olive - 35ml
An earthy, warm, yellow-green, the yellow oxide pigment mixes perfectly with chromium green pigment to create …
£14.50 -
Vert Oxyde de Chrome - 35ml
Chromium oxide green is a clean, very stable green colour. For all the forgers out there, it is the same pigm…
£18.00 -
Violet Outremer - 35ml
Violet ultramarine is a vibrant, transparent, violet. This particular pigment is of French production. It is a…