Michael Harding

Michael Harding

  • Raw Umber Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Raw Umber 40ml

    Find me a palette without this on it, fundamental, the great masters of the renaissance lived on this. One of …

  • Red Umber - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Red Umber - 40ml

    Interesting one! I expected this to have a real reddish glow like a transparent iron oxide however it doesn't …

  • Rose Dore - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Rose Dore - 40ml

    Literally meaning in English 'golden rose', this is a deep red hue with slight yellowish undertones. A superb …

  • Scarlet Lake - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Scarlet Lake - 40ml

    A powerful, single pigment, red. Based on a Napthol pigment it is a powerful tinter, in masstone not disimilar…

  • Stand Oil - Michael Harding Oil Paint - Supreme Paint

    Michael Harding

    Stand Oil - 250ml

    Refined Linseed stand oil is a viscous, pale oil medium extracted from linseed. It will level out brushstrokes…

  • Terre Verte Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Terre Verte - 40ml

    Literally meaning green earth, in the world of lakes, mars colours and phthalo's this is a gentle giant, very …

  • Titanium White No.1 Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Titanium White No.1 - 40ml/225ml

    A heavy pigment load and a very clear oil (safflower) make this a very bright, cold white. Powerful in mixes. …

  • Titanium White No.2 - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Titanium White No.2 - 40ml/225ml

    The modern classic - titanium white, opaque, cold, white. Pretty much the white on every painter's palette, th…

  • Transparent Brown Oxide - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Transparent Brown Oxide - 40ml

    This is like transparent red oxide but without the red! It has the same transparency and although still warm i…

  • Transparent Red Oxide Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Transparent Red Oxide 40ml

    An Iron Oxide processed to such a small pigment particle size that it shows almost lake-like characterist…

  • Transparent Yellow Oxide - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Transparent Yellow Oxide - 40ml

    As the name suggests a transparent pigment of very 'clean' yellow oxide. In masstone, a rather uninspiring raw…

  • Turners Yellow Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Turners Yellow - 40ml

    This is an unusual pigment, more often found in watercolour paint. The pigment PY216 is a complex of tin, anti…

  • Ultramarine Blue - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Ultramarine Blue - 40ml/225ml

    Think blue skies, the depth and underlying warmth. A fantastically useful blue, I personally use this a lot mi…

  • Ultramarine Violet Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Ultramarine Violet 40ml

    Ultramarine originally described paint made from Lapis Lazuli. However, in the 1820's, through the use of chem…

  • Unbleached Titanium Dioxide Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Unbleached Titanium Dioxide - 40ml

    This paint just asks to be experimented with, I have found it will slightly 'grey' mixes in a very subtle way,…

  • Van Dyke Brown Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Van Dyke Brown - 40ml

    Quite frankly this colour has a long and dubious history, establishing exactly which colour relates to the nam…

  • Venetian Red - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Venetian Red 40ml

    The classic portrait painters earth pigment...add white get pinky flesh hues. Then add ochres, umbers & bo…

  • Vine Black - Michael Harding  Oil Paint - Supreme Paint

    Michael Harding

    Vine Black - 40ml

    Vine black is a warmish black that used to be made with the carbon derived from burnt vines. This is my person…

  • Vivid Blue Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Vivid Blue - 40ml

    Vivid blue is a blend of pigments, titanium white, a green shade of phthalo blue and phthalo green.. The vivid…

  • Warm Light Yellow Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Warm Light Yellow - 40ml

    In masstone a warm, very light, orange/yellow white. The real paint has slightly more chroma than swatch oppos…

  • Warm White Oil Paint - Flake White Replacement - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Warm White - 40ml/225ml

    Conceived as an alternative to Lead White, this paint is in essence a warmer Titanium white. The temperature i…

  • Wisteria Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Wisteria - 40ml

    Wisteria is named after the plant which bears the same name and similarly coloured flowers. The image on left …

  • Yellow Benzimidazolone Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Yellow Benzimidazolone 40ml

    Wow, that's a mouthful, and it's maybe better known as just Yellow Benzi. This is a single pigment paint (PY15…

  • Yellow Lake Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Yellow Lake 40ml

    One of the oldest established organic lakes, an arylide yellow pigment sometimes known as Hansa yellow, this i…

  • Yellow Lake Deep Oil Paint - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Yellow Lake Deep - 40ml

    A very deep yellow, in fact I would say as to near to orange as you can get while remaining yellow! In masston…

  • Yellow Ochre - Michael Harding Oil Paint - Supreme Paint

    Michael Harding

    Yellow Ochre - 40ml

    My favourite earth, if not my favourite colour. A classic iron oxide and linseed oil blend. A higher-keyed and…

  • Yellow Ochre Deep - Michael Harding Oil Paint

    Michael Harding

    Yellow Ochre Deep 40ml

    A synthetic iron oxide which basically is a deeper, slightly warmer hue of the classic yellow ochre, it brings…
